Frequently Asked Questions

Participant Checklist

  • Is at least one member of your team signed up to the Heritage Game Jam page?

  • Is your game uploaded to and playable on

  • Is your game playable on web and/or PC? If it's a physical game, has it been neatly organised to be submitted in a Google Drive folder?

  • Does your game contain any copyrighted material, and does not contain any vulgarities and obscenities, or anything that might be offensive to religious groups, racial groups, genders and sexual orientations. (Tip: if you are unsure, please check with any of the organisers or the advisors. Otherwise, it is best to avoid it!)

  • Does your game have sufficient Art and Audio to guide the way the player would experience your game?

  • Does your game's story make sense? Does it have a point of view?

  • Are there any major bugs that would prevent the player from finishing the game? (If there are minor bugs that you cannot fix in time, it would be helpful to point them out in the description)

  • Did you have your game playtested by other players before submission?

Game Jam Events & What to Expect

What events do I have to be present at?

Opening Event: 28th Oct 2022, 2000hrs on the Sagakaya Discord Server:
Networking Event to find Team Members: Stick around after the Opening Event!

Deadline for Game Submission:
6th Nov 2022, 1900hrs
Where to Submit:

- We will also be providing all teams each a
Jammer's Room for all team members to communicate with each other. Each team's Jammer's Room is reserved specially for each of them, and it has a number attached to it.
Yes, it is
purposely left public such that any participant may enter or exit. We are doing this to simulate the actual physical Game Jam environment, where teams can come in just to check out each other's work, or perhaps to playtest each others Games and give feedback!

You don't HAVE to use the Jammer's Room, but it is useful if you want to get people to test your game before submission!
As such, please be respectful and helpful towards one another!

Closing Event: 6th Nov 2022, 1800hrs on the Sagakaya Discord Server: We're ending off with showcasing games made by everyone! So please make sure to submit your games in time for ease of presentation.

Team Composition

What sort of skills does a team need?

We recommend to have at least 1 programmer who is familiar with the usage of a Game Engine (if you're working on a digital game which requires programming).
Other aspects such as Game Design, Audio, Art and Narrative Writing - you can probably do a decent job even if you are not formally trained in them! We do have advisors during the Game Jam for you to get advice.

How many members can a team have?

There is no minimum or maximum limit! With that said - we recommend not to have more than 6 - 7 people, because beyond that it becomes harder to manage. More members doesn't always mean you can get more done!

What if I need more members in my team?

We have a networking event right after the opening event at 2000hrs on the Sagakaya Discord Server: Just stick around for it!

Programming / Game Development

What can I use to program the game (digital)?

Anything you wish - there are no restrictions. Just ensure that the game can be played after you upload your game onto your page!

Game Design

Are there any guidelines I should follow?

There will be a theme revealed on the 28th Oct 2022 opening event at 2000hrs on the Sagakaya Discord Server: Your game should be designed around it!

Also, ensure that your game does not contain any vulgarities and obscenities, or anything that might be offensive to religious groups, racial groups, genders and sexual orientations.

Upon submitting your game to the page, do write an interesting description in it that helps to sell your game!

How do we get people to test our game before submission?

  • First, make sure you have an uploaded version of your game on your own team's page. This allows other players to play the game

  • Feel free to use the general chat on Discord to ask for fellow participants who are available to test your game! Leave details such as your Jammer Room Number, as well as what time you are available to test your game with them. You would want to collect their feedback!

  • Alternatively, you can publicize your Game's page, and get people to leave feedback in your Jammer's Room whenever!


How do I ask an Advisor for advice?

  • First, go to the channel on SGGA Discord with the appropriate category for your advice
    (For example: if you need advice with Narrative writing, go to the
    #narrative channel)

  • Put your Team Name, Name, Jammer Room Number, Contact details, followed by your request.


    Team: Sagakaya
    Name: Jedidiah
    Jammer Room Number: 1
    Contact Details:
    Details: I have problems with writing the storyline of our game. May I have an advisor's assistance!
    I am available approximately 6pm - 9pm.

  • Any Advisor that is currently available will see the message and contact you with the contact details provided, or leave you a message in your Jammer Room on Discord.

  • Please do not harass Advisors outside of the sessions allocated to you! They are busy with their own lives, and are agreeing to do this as a favour :)


Do the games belong to us even after the Game Jam?

Yes! If you want to put it on the Steam store or on your website, its all yours :)

I can participate for free? And the games belong to us?? What's the catch?

No catch! The Sagakaya team is doing this to develop the Arts and Games community. We hope that there will be a growing interest in these types of Games being created!
Please enjoy the event thoroughly :)